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  • Unconditionally trust God & put your hope and faith in Him, no matter what.
  • Be the living embodiment of the truths that guide you.
  • Accept & let things go often; be conscious of the baggage you accumulate.
  • When your passion wanes, re-immerse yourself in the influences that awaken and move your soul.
  • Be honest about the depth and complexity of your opinions, even if others may not fully understand where you're coming from.
  • Never look down on anyone or presume that you're better than them; most people are doing their best and may be fighting battles that aren't easily seen.
  • Never dull yourself or apologize for your sense of passion.
  • Be unapologetically alive & visibly in love with the things that hold value & meaning for you.
  • Carry yourself like the earth is in love with you; be good to it and love it back. Treat every being, place, & creature with tenderness and humility.
  • Live each day mindfully & with grounded, focused intention.
  • Allow yourself to get excited about the little things.
  • Be especially patient with children & the elderly.
  • Frequently question your assumptions, but trust your intuition.
  • Be patient with yourself; in the context of everything you've endured, survival itself is magic.
  • Don't be timid when it comes to the important things.
  • Embrace ideas and beliefs that enliven your soul; abandon all manmade attitudes that weigh it down.
  • Express your preferences, needs, & desires without hesitation or guilt.
  • Strive to live in a state of perpetual God-consciousness.
  • Always walk a path the Ahlulbayt ع would be pleased with.
  • Drink in the cultures, beliefs, and perspectives of others with a sincere desire to understand and appreciate them; respectfully release the ideas that don't resonate with you.
  • Don't judge yourself through another person's eyes.
  • Spend a majority of your time around people who make you feel validated, stimulated, inspired, safe, and free.
  • Stay firmly committed to your boundaries & values; be gentle, flexible, and considerate, but don't compromise your principles for anyone.
  • Don't force yourself to say yes if your heart is saying no.
  • Never hesitate to leave situations that make you feel like you're being degraded or mistreated.
  • Stay close to habits, ideas, concepts, & questions that keep you excited about life.
  • Always seek your beauty in something other than a lens or mirror.
  • Be completely real and unfiltered around people who understand and love you; be reserved but good to the rest.
  • Know your worth and believe in it whole-heartedly. Never allow anyone to weaken this belief- it's the most essential key to a life of authenticity, fulfillment, integrity, and joy.
  • Live mindfully & meditate often.
  • Stay connected to your inner child.
  • Seek goodness wherever you can find it.
  • Travel as much as possible.
  • Do no harm to anyone, but give yourself the freedom to walk away if you need to and don't look back.
  • Never allow yourself to be abused, demeaned, or manipulated; all tyrants are temporary.
  • God is the only One worthy of impressing; live, act, & speak accordingly.

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oct 26 2013 ∞
dec 26 2020 +