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  • surly: bad-tempered and unfriendly
    • Brusque, which comes from an Italian word meaning rude, describes an abruptness of speech or manner that is not necessarily meant to be rude (: a brusque handshake;: a brusque reply).
    • Curt is more deliberately unfriendly, suggesting brevity and coldness of manner (: a curt dismissal).
    • There's nothing wrong with being blunt, although it implies an honesty and directness that can border on tactlessness (e.g. a blunt reply to his question about where the money went).
    • Someone who is bluff is usually more likable, possessing a frank, hearty manner that may be a little too outspoken but is seldom offensive (e.g. a bluff man who rarely minced words).
    • Exhibiting gruff or surly behavior will not win friends, since both words suggest bad temper if not rudeness. But gruff is used to describe a rough or grouchy disposition and, like bluff, is applied more often to a man.
      • Anyone who has had to deal with an overworked store clerk while shopping during the holidays knows the meaning of surly, which is worse than gruff. It describes not only a sour disposition but an outright hostility toward people, and it can apply to someone of either sex (: that surly woman at the customer service desk).
feb 7 2013 ∞
dec 6 2013 +