• "i've jaywalked in the middle of san francisco." -inkingthestar
    • "Don't you mean you've David Jaywalked?" -GoAllyGoGo
    • WIN
  • "I love how they keep tweaking things in the new layout. 'Hey, where'd my applications bar go? Oh! There it is, at the bottom of the screen! Oh wait! Now it's on the right hand side of the page! And now it's behind me! With a knife!'" -CaleCaesar
  • "In elementary school me and my badass friends had a 'cussing club.' I used a journal I got for my birthday and wrote a whole bunch of sentences with bad words in it. the only one i remember was 'It's fucking raining. I hate fucking rain.' But a teacher found the journal, called my mom, and I couldn't stop crying." -Serenity Marie
  • "A better ruler than any democracy could provide." -P is for...
    • "Ooh yeah, talk geometry and technical drawing to us. And do it nasty." -dally eek
    • "ooh, you like that, do you, dally? then how's this? sextant. t-square. protractor. yes, i have a filthy mouth. go ahead and wash it out with soap. yeah. fine. back to your regularly scheduled programming, folks. i've hijacked these airwaves long enough tonight. sayonara." -P is for...
    • "You tease. You come in with your pencil case set, show us just a little bit of asexy angular plastic to get us all hot 'n' bothered, and then you prance off to read a Pythagoras' theorem before bedtime. There's a name for people like you--and it's written for all to see in the new edition of the Staples catalogue, page 89." -dally eek
    • "For those of us that don't have said catalogue, could you enlighten us please?" -HeidiUK
    • "A copy is on the way to you; brown paper wrapper, of course. It'll frizz your hair." -dally eek
    • "ooh, yeah, just wait until you see me standing on the corner with my orange vest and my tripod. i'm the hottest thing since Santiago Calatrava and don't you forget it. i charge double for talking about Galvanic Isolation. i'm the engineer of your fantasies, kittens." -P is for...
  • "we are just who we are and we can't help being wonderful people" -sips
  • "I poked a badger with a spoon." - AimeendFish
  • "One year my family all sat around opening presents on Christmas morning, while (quite happily) having this long discussion about Hitler and Charles Manson. Then we realized what we were doing and it turned into 'man, our family's weird.'". -Hallucigenia
  • "I once picked up the phone saying 'Essex crematorium, you kill 'em we grill 'em'" -BabySquare
  • "I once, while at a cafe on a balcony overlooking a busy highstreet, disected a sandwich, took out the ingredients I didn't like, i.e. slices of tomato and dropped them on the heads of people below" -BabySquare
  • "My sister convinced me that they were killing off Legolas for the last LotR film because Orlando Bloom was too much of a prima donna on set. In return, I convinced her he had a twin brother named Miami Bloom." -Skazka
  • "I use Facebook mostly to make sure I still don't like my classmates so I can avoid reunions." -MissEgon
  • "Really, if there is one thing that's unattractive, it's sweatpants. If there are two things that are unattractive, it's sweatpants and Crocs. And if there are more than two things that are unattractive, they're sweatpants, Crocs, and hairy men in tank tops." *shudders* -CaleCaesar
  • Valentine got this response to coming out: "So you reproduce like bacteria!?"
    • "I would say yes, run my hands through my hair, and give him/her the hair that came out (I shed more than an lab) and say, here, hold my newest baby." -BollywoodFan
  • "While playing the what-would-you-do-if game. Me: What would you do if I was asexual? Friend: What's that? Me: *explains* Friend: I would buy you a cat. Me: Um. So I'm asexual. Friend: What color? Me: Huh? Friend: What color cat do you want?" -TheChronicWanderer
  • "Sometimes people need to be kicked in the teeth before they'l
    go to the dentist." -Gas Mask John
  • "Uggggh. I already work in a couple libraries (in the circulation department, mind you!), and I've got enough trouble having with thugs, drunks, the mentally insane, children, and belligerent bourgeoisie roaming about without having to worry about a bunch of asexual ho-bags on the prowl." -CaleCaesar
  • "I'm surprised nobody has mentioned reverse stripping. picture it: the doorbell rings. it's the pizza delivery boy, in his underwear. he produces a stereo, cranks the cheesy music, and begins to dance, all while putting on layer after layer of clothing. you know the party can start when he's in his parka. ;) EDIT: I changed my mind. he's the CAKE delivery boy. let the asexy party begin." -kaylamp
    • "damnit, kaylamp! _you have stolen my flannel porn screenplay!_" -P is for...
  • "I once spent twenty minutes trying to order pizza from a phone sex line, but that's just me." -Miselle Serafine
    • "my immediate thought: oh no! the phone bill! lol, asexual reaction..." -Shrine Maiden
  • "I'm sooo tempted to rock the guyliner look. I think my hairs too light for it though :(" -sassyeggs
    • "Try a dark brown, rather than a black. :)" beyondweird
    • "Ooooh thanks! I'll ask Ninny if she has any. hahaha" -sassyeggs
    • "Ahem! I gave you some eyeliner aaaaaaaaaaages ago after you said you wanted to try the guyliner look, but you use it to draw your beard on!" -Ninny
  • "My boyfriend just made a comment about making an asexual gang. "What?! you don't like cats? We'll cut you, with a cake!" or "Psst...do you have any who? (ninja face) "something of that sort. (ninja face) *hides*" -Narwhal
  • "The couple of times anyone has told me I look better with less makeup, I don't think "aw, how sweet" I think "I spent 30 minutes on this, dick." Makeup is my hobby, how I look totally isn't the point." -Vrazda
  • "you are a very wise nalley poo pie pants, nalley poo pie pants. (i cannot believe i actually typed that twice.)" -P is for...
  • "Science fiction all the way! A date without jetpacks is not a real date." -Bad Patient
  • "Guys. Guys. Look at our lives. Look at our choices." -Charles
  • "(Most people have a "NO KRISTEN STEWART EVER" policy.)" -Isidore
  • "I ship me/myself. It's a forbidden love that can only end in heartbreak." -Isidore
  • "Everyone is allowed in this thread. Everyone. We'd probably even allow dead people if we could find any and prop them up well enough for them to participate." -Charles, on transyadas XD
  • "The transyada code - Never ask awkward questions, always know what to do with the incriminating evidence." -Joe
  • "Well, since we're talking about baking, I'll just say that I made cookies today, many cookies, and they are wonderful. And before you ask what kind they are, well, they started out as sugar cookies (sort of) and then I said 'screw the recipe' and turned them into Katherine's Chocolate Crack Cookies. Because they turned out that good. And now I am bringing them to the Lady Gaga Spicy Chicken Pox Pirogi Pubes Party. No, that's not a joke. *waves bye-bye*" -krossero
jul 27 2010 ∞
mar 30 2012 +