The first Chinese civilization developed in the valley of the Huang He (Yellow River)

Kublai Khan established the Chinese capital at Beijing

he East Asian city that is among the top-ranking global city regions is Tokyo

Japanese farm products today face increasing competition from cheaper Chinese sources

Much heavy industry in Japan is located at the oceanside, frequently on reclaimed land

The leader of the People's Republic of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976 was Mao Zedong

he Han Chinese make up what percentage of the Chinese population? 92

china's chief source of power = coal

To prevent Western powers from taking over Japan as a colony, the Meiji government refused to have any contact with the rest of the world. FALSE

Flooding along China's rivers is increased by deforestation TRUE

East Asian countries came fresh to global trading after 1950. FALSE

There are still many American military bases found alongside traditional fishing villages. TRUE

China feeds 21 percent of the world's population on 7 percent of the world's arable land. TRUE

The Portuguese established their first trading post in China at Macau

disputes over the spratley islands are increased by their location on major shipping lanes and the presence of oil in the undersea rocks.

japan's legislative body is called the diet

The urbanized zone from Tokyo to Osaka is called the Tokaido megalopolis

cultural revolution from 1966 to 1976 was a period of extreme devotion to communism and Mao Zedong.

What were some positive effects on Japanese culture of the two hundred years of isolation (1650-1850)? What would be some negative effects? It developed a rather cohesive and unified culture; its people believed themselves part of it. It lost out on advancements and ideas from other countries.

How did the Japanese respond to challenges to its manufacturing industries in the 1980s? It developed ways of using less fuel, built branch assembly plants in other countries, and found ways to cut costs and be more competitive.

oct 6 2010 ∞
oct 6 2010 +