- Wake Up Mordecai
- 8-Bit Revival
- 8-Kount
- Accidently on Purpose
- Achilles Crutch
- Alec Delphenich Trio
- Bear (The Ghost)
- Blind Karma
- Buffalo Killers
- Buzz Cats
- The Capital
- Captain of Industry
- Cereal Killers
- Chapter of Progress
- Chris Seelbaugh
- City of Invention
- Dale Walton
- Dan Raridan and the Calientes
- David Payne
- Desalitt
- The Devil Wears Prada
- Diddley
- Dirty Socialites
- Eat Sugar
- Enlou
- Fight for Last
- Fin Tan
- Flotation Walls
- Fortis Amor
- Frontier Folk Nebraska
- Full Throttle
- Good English
- Goody Two Shoes
- Hawthorne Heights (Troy)
- Higgins and Madewell
- Hospital Garden
- Human Reunion
- Jasper the Colossal
- Jesse Remnant & the trainwrecks
- Joe Anderl and 1984 Football Draft
- John Foti
- Joy Hollon
- Kris N.
- Kuan
- Lab Partners
- Las Golondrinas
- Last Call
- Le Albatross
- The Lions Rampant
- Lucky Pineapple
- Luxury Pushers
- Magic Jackson
- Matty Monk
- Meg Cavanaugh
- Mind Garden
- The Minor Leagues
- Minutes
- The Motel Beds
- Mountain Screamer
- Nate McDonough Band
- Negative Process
- Never 7
- New Vega
- Nick Kizirnis Band
- Orange Willard
- Oxymoronotron
- Paean
- Paper Airplane
- The Professors
- Ruetschle
- Said Fantasy
- The Seedy Seeds
- Shamus Stone
- Shrug
- Skeptical Cats
- Skilless Villains
- Sleep Feet
- Smug Brothers
- Soul to Soul
- Sour Boy Bitter Girl
- Spungewurthy
- State School
- Stone the Mayor Sheriffs
- The Story Changes
- Thee Pistol Whips
- These Last Few
- Three Barrel
- The Tiger and the Duke
- Turkish Delights
- Undone
- Vanity Theft
- The Werks
- Wes Tirey
- The Wholigans
- Wygant
- XL427
- Yakuza Heart Attack
apr 19 2010 ∞
sep 22 2010 +