• She was lonely, but never alone, and she felt that in order to preserve any sense of her own identity, to continue to believe in the importance of Philippa Hunter, human being, she must find, for at least a few minutes a day, the peace of solitude.
  • "My mother said I should apologize to you," Jackie said rapidly, still looking up at the ceiling, her hands plunged deep into the pockets of her blue blazer, "about our laughing about your going to chapel. I always write my mother everything and I wrote her about our thinking it was funny and laughing and she wrote back and said who am I of all people to laugh. She said if you got down on the floor in the middle of the common room and bowed toward Mecca I should honor and respect your form of worship."
  • [the first snowfly]
  • "I want to be like them and like myself too."
    • "You think quite a lot of yourself?"
    • "Oh, no!" She shook her head vehemently. "It isn't that at all. I think I'm--I'm not anything I want to be. It's just that there are certain things outside me and the way I feel about them that I wouldn't want changed. The way I feel about the mountains and the lake. And stars. I love them so very much. And I don't think the others really care about them. I don't think they really see them. And it's the way I feel about things like the mountains and the lake and stars that I wouldn't want changed."
  • Why is it, she wondered, that things that hurt people make them deeper and more understanding?
  • [a bop on the bean]
  • ...Flip felt that having your mother not love you would be the bitterest way of all to lose her.
aug 4 2011 ∞
mar 30 2012 +