- List the causes you favor. Don't forget to stay informed and vote. -Listography
- NO Ted Strickland, D, incumbent
- cut funding for libraries in 2010
- For
- reducing business taxes, state regulations
- NO John Kasich, R
- Against
- "special interests"
- public schools
- For
- reducing spending
- reducing taxes
- cutting programs
- Plans to
- reduce school spending WHILE INCREASING TECHNOLOGY IN SCHOOLS, dumbass
- YES! Dennis Spisak, Green Party
- For
- public participation in government (?)
- social justice
- equal opportunity
- environmental responsibility
- sustainable farming
- lessen dependence on coal
- wind, solar, geothermal
- demilitarization, disarmament
- decentralization
- a living wage
- feminism
- single payer health care for all Ohioans
- fair, progressive taxes
- property tax relief
- investment in public schools, disassociation of quality of education with a district's income level
- blue-green jobs in renewable energy
- although his plan would only create 500 jobs in the next 5 years, which is nowhere near enough
- measures to prevent foreclosure fraud + taking advantage of the poor
- Against
- racism
- class oppression
- sexism
- homophobia
- ageism
- ablism
- NO Ken Matesz, Libertarian
- Against
- income tax (at all!)
- gun control
- public schools
- NO Sean Swain, Anarchist
- Against
- Government programs=military, police, courts, schools
- Plans to
- pardon all prisoners, empty the prisons
- recall + decommission the National Guard
- oh dear lord, I can't even read any more
sep 28 2010 ∞
sep 28 2010 +