• I dreamed I was on an adventure with some imaginary person--no yada, I'm sure, they were VERY bland--and we found the secret book we needed for to complete our quest, and I began to search it for clues, and FREDERICK AND ANNE WERE THE CLUES. Except instead of being referred to as "Frederick and Anne" or even "krossero and anamia," they were "krossero and Fffffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanne."
    • Haha, don't ask me, Anne, I HAVE NO IDEA.
    • THEN OLIVER SHOWED UP IN A TUTU. (Green and white striped. It seems my subconscious is working overtime trying to guess the color of my Christmas tutu
  • I dreamed a certain yada and I were writing in a notebook back and forth, at IM-pace. It's a bit too fuzzy to elaborate much, but it involved the rolodex and something about cookies? WHATEVER, HEAD.
  • Last night I dreamed about Oliver and CM. They were being all lovey-dovey, preparing for their wedding (which is now apparently off because Oliver can't handle my wedding present), and P told them to get a room.
    • Oliver's reaction: <_<
    • CM's reaction: "Piss off!"
    • SMIRK
  • Last night I dreamed that Jude was showing me all the Christmas gifts he'd gotten everyone.
    • (Except in real life, that was Frederick and Brookoe. INTERESTING.)
  • I was just taking a nap with my puppy and had a frightening yada dream. Somebody banged on the door, so I answered it, and it was a man in protective gear holding two pieces of mail (MY yadamail, MINE. A box and a big envelope) and a blowtorch and I don't even know what. He looked at me and said, "Do you even know what's in your mail? I have reason to believe it's tainted with xjdk;jfiejaf;e. Can you tell me how it would have come in contact with xjdk;jfiejaf;e?" He was mumbling and I was confused, so I asked him what that meant, and he sneered and said it meant the poison zsfdlskfjekl, _the kind of poison they use for bears, hello. _
    • There was another guy In My House (even though I didn't let him in) supposedly talking to my sister, but I looked back and saw him examining my dog and sizing up the place, and I asked the man at the door exactly who he was and he said, "Oh, you could say I'm just your friendly neighborhood computer repairman." So I demanded to know what he was doing with my mail and where he had gotten it, and he looked kind of surprised and said, "Right here! I picked it up right off your porch!" This is when I started yelling at my sister to GET DOWN HERE AND HELP ME and she was giving me shit about how she was busy and don't yell at me and everywhere like such as. I woke up as I was trying to simultaneously evict the inside creeper man from my house and snatch my packages from the outside creeper man, single-handedly.
    • And the moral of the story is, Charles, take your packages from the mailman as fast as you can.
  • I dreamed I was at a flea market/craft party with a large group of yadas and we were taking it over, as is our natural tendency, and she was sitting at a table speed-painting and Oliver kicked me over there and I didn't know what to do so I got the hell out of dodge and found my way back to Frederick and Anne, who were trying on feather boas and waistcoats in a full-length mirror.
  • During Egypt (yes, Egypt is an event <_<), I dreamed I was reading a book from the library and the author had penned a note of dedication to P inside. P lived in Michigan.
  • I dreamed King Brookoe hated their hair and was violently hacking it off. What.
  • The other day Susan pointed out I had 666 Facebook friends, and it was decided that in the future every time I added someone, I'd have to delete someone else in order to maintain this number. That night I dreamed I was adding tons of new people, don't even know why, but my friend count was magically staying at 666 ftw.
  • Last night I dreamed that Syracuse was TOMORROW, so I guess today, and everything was all out of control packing-wise and I realized I'd filled my carry-on with nothing but clothes, which is unacceptable because I've promised to bring Things To Do, and then I was like, "No big deal, I'll just put Bottles & Bins in my carry-on." I don't know what the other carry-on was, I'm sorry, I was a dreaming loon. I actually almost got out of bed right then to go downstairs and drag out the stepstool so I could get it down. (Bottles & Bins, I mean.) Then Anne and Frederick were like, "Well, you have a cold. If you're REALLY sick, it's okay, you can stay home, but if you're just faking it, YOU HAVE TO COME ANYWAY," and I was like jAGKEJAGKEJKAjkfla/JEkge NO I REALLY AM SICK BUT I WANT TO GO TO SYRACUUUUUUUUUUUSE. And my sister was tagging along on the trip, and even in my dream I knew this was a Very Bad Thing.
    • Then we were in one of those reconstructed villages with people running around in period dress, except this one was set up as the 1700s, which was new since I've only been to 19th-century reconstructed villages? Whatever. We went in this little cafe and were in the middle of our meal when something happened and we all got up to hold the door for someone and also move our table a bit, but it was a conspiracy set in action by another group who wanted to steal our table, and they really should've known better because they worked in the village. They basically pushed us out of the way and cleared off all our half-eaten meals and sat down smugly, and I forget what we did but I think it was Catherine's idea and it worked and we got our table back.
      • Ooooooooh and I forgot the other part of my dream, where my dad cornered me and warned me he wanted to Talk To Me about a subject on which we "hadn't yet come to agree" (but he doesn't talk like that) and if I had any brains, I'd use this time to study. There was this great sense of foreboding. He didn't even specify what this horrible Talk was going to be about, but it was obviously Teh Gay, and I was somewhat intimidated but confident enough to tell him I didn't need to study, I was plenty prepared.
  • I dreamed the only food Frederick had was soup. TROLOLO
  • I dreamed Dally and I were conversing on Facebook, and so did Dally, and that makes me laugh.
    • Actually it was the second night in a row
  • I dreamed Dally was helping me bury something in a ditch. I don't remember what it was, but I'm guessing dead bodies.
    • third in a row
  • I dreamed P and Rose and Dally were a committee on some kind of secret mission, and Will was command central.
    • fourth
  • I forget what happened but I had a nice dream with Dally in it
    • fifth
    • Isidore: "I'm going to be the floweryada in their wedding"
  • I dreamed I was stalking Will's Flickr.
    • Because that's totally not what I was doing before bed. Noooo.
    • And then my phone alarm was Will. In voice and text form...........IDEK
  • I dreamed Dally and I were flirting but skirting around the issue and then my sister threw herself at him and was crawling all over him and he shrunk away and told her to stop, and she asked why, and he said, "I love your sister." And she smirked and said she knew, she just wanted to make sure BOTH OF US knew.
    • Then there was a party for some sort of occasion and Dally had to play some of his songs and I was the only one who knew them. Like the back of my hand.
    • Then I went shopping in...Wal-Mart? It was Wal-Mart in my dream, anyway, even though it was absolutely bizarre, and I was looking through the cds and found Oprah Winfrey's new release. Nothing but Eminem covers.
  • I dreamed I was going to William's piano recital and got waylaid in what appeared to be a public restroom รก la campground (private public restroom what), but was actually more like a deadly secret society nestled in the heart of a volcano.
    • While I was trapped inside, the mail arrived and I got this enormous creepy porcelain doll from Tristan. Unwanted Christmas gift, automatic yada regift.
dec 15 2010 ∞
nov 10 2011 +