Dec 19-21 Christmas parties
- Zark's with Sheena & Victoria
- Sofitel with the gang
- Gorby & Toffer arrive later on. Toffer's got a birthday gift bag with a drawing of a dick Sharpied onto it
- Four of us talked till sunrise
- Slept till 11, no sauna/swimming for us
- Sizzling dishes at a place in Sampaloc
- Wicked Oreos & Crazy Stupid Love
- Convinced my guy blockmates to pick me up at Kevin's place
- Fun ride to Allyssa's
- 4-3 party!
- Decided to sleep over
- Drunk several of Kean's cocktail experiments: citrusy/lime gin & vodka, soda & rum, Scotch on the rocks
- Some pretty serious talk on possibly too personal topics, but we don't mind. Over a couple of cigs & candy.
- Lastly, beer & geekery over GoT and HxH
dec 21 2011 ∞
jan 11 2012 +