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  • Jin - I was his personal assistant; I was very good at my job; he was exactly like I knew he was like; I unfortunately do not remember much, but I remember handing him water
  • Jimin, Jhope, V - I was too stunned to see Jimin and Jhope that I completely did not speak to them and settled on speaking with V instead; we got along well, but that wasn't really the point of the dream...
  • V - seems to be a continuation of my earlier dream; we were fairly familiar with each other by this point; there was a scene where we even shared a secret kept from others (?)
  • Baekhyun - we were in some classroom setting with a colleague A; I was sat beside BBH, and although I love this guy so much, I acted very cool and told him, "yo, you're on the cover of W" while showing him the copy of W I bought from Korea cos he was on the cover; A was curious why we were so familiar with each other; damnit, now that I'm writing this, I forgot to ask what perfume he wears cos he's notorious for smelling so good
apr 14 2024 ∞
apr 14 2024 +