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  • 01 | (n.) puck: 1. a black disk made of hard rubber, the focus of play in ice hockey; 2. (in folklore) a mischievous or evil sprite.
  • 02 | (n.) tuft: a small cluster of elongated flexible outgrowths attached or close together at the base and free at the opposite ends.
  • 03 | (v.) sputter: make a series of soft explosive sounds, typically when being heated or as a symptom of a fault.
  • 04 | (n.) conjecture: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
  • 05 | (adj.) ailing: in poor health.
  • 06 | (adj.) unruly: disordely and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control.
  • 07 | (adj.) byzantine: excessively complicated, and typically involving a great deal of administrative detail.
  • 08 | (n.) troupe: a group of dancers, actors or other entertainers who tour to different venues.
  • 09 | (n.) vignette: a brief evocative description, account, or episode.
  • 10 | (n.) maize: a central american plant that yields large grains set in rows on a cob; corn.
  • 11 | (n.) wicker: pliable twigs, typically of willow, plaited or woven, to make items such as furniture and baskets.
  • 12 | (v.) hobble: walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury.
  • 13 | (v.) snarl: make an aggressive growl with bared teeth.
  • 14 | (adv.) perpetually: in a way that never ends or changes; constantly.
  • 15 | (n.) shallot: a small bub which resembles an onion and is used for pickling or as a substitute for onion.
  • 16 | (n.) deterrence: the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
  • 18 | (n.) starling: a gregarious old world songbird with a straight bill, typically with dark lustrous or iridescent plumage but sometimes brightly colored.
  • 20 | (n.) staging: the method of presenting a play or other dramatic performances.
  • 21 | (adj.) sparkling: 1. shining brightly with flashes of light; 2. (of a drink) effervescent.
  • 23 | (n.) limbo: an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition.
jan 1 2023 ∞
apr 11 2023 +