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  • (1/2 cup) blueberries - have more antioxidants — those magical molecules that can help prevent a host of maladies — than 40 other common fruits and vegetables tested.
  • (one clove) garlic - has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Just six or more cloves a week can slash your risk of colorectal, stomach and prostate cancer in half compared to eating one clove a week or less.
  • (1 tbsp) olive oil - lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol and raises “good” HDL cholesterol, thanks to its monosaturated fats. It's also packed with antioxidants called phenols, which may protect artery walls from cholesterol buildup.
  • (1/2 cup) broccoli - has sulfur compounds, such as sulforaphane, which signal our genes to boost production of enzymes that detoxify potentially cancer-causing compounds. You could slash your risk of everything from breast and lung cancer to stomach and colon cancer.
  • (3/4 cup) yogurt - great source of bone-building calcium, but its real strength lies in live beneficial bacteria, know as probiotics, that keep down the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut. It could help with inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections.
  • (1 cup) oats - Oats’ cholesterol and blood pressure lowering powers come from beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre.
  • (1-2 tbsp) flaxseeds - provides an easy 2.3 grams of fiber, but is most revered for its lingans. These act like estrogen in the body, blocking estrogen receptors on cells and contributing to reduced rates of certain hormone-related cancers, such as breast cancer. May also help keep conditions from acne to asthma at bay.
  • (1/4-1/2 tsp) cinnamon - improves blood sugar control in people with diabetes. It can help prevent blood clots and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • (2-5 cups) tea - offers protection from heart disease, stroke and cancer. They appear to protect against heart disease by slowing the breakdown of “bad” LDL cholesterol, preventing blood clots and improving blood vessel function. It's one of the most potent sources of antioxidants in nature (more potent than any fruit or vegetable).
  • (3/4 cup) beans - are good for your heart, due to their soluble fibre, which soaks up cholesterol so the body can dispose of if before it can stick to artery walls.

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aug 19 2015 ∞
jul 26 2020 +