- there can be a lot of secrets behind the pretty face of an aquarius. the best kept can be their sadness. although they are bright personalities who love to laugh and make jokes, aquarius often have experienced things that still bother them even after a long time. they won't always speak about it, they may try to cover it, but some day they will tell everyone what bothers them. it's actually hard for them to let go of their past.
- Aquarius finds beauty in the unusual. They do not like art that feels normal or like art they have seen a hundred times before. Aquarius often will receive weird looks when they talk about the movies, television, music, or literature that they enjoy. When discussing the art that they like, other people will claim that they just do not “get it.” Aquarius gets super excited when they meet other individuals with similar taste as them. It makes Aquarius feel connected to those people on a deeper level.
- Intellectual stimulation is by far the greatest aphrodisiac for the Aquarian. There’s nothing like a lively chat rich in culture and future possibilities to get this sign going. When it comes to love, people best suited are those that are not thrown off by Aquarian frankness. Open, communicative, imaginative, and willing to risk are all qualities that blend well with this sign’s perspective on life. Honesty and sincerity are essential for anyone seeking a long-term connection to this dynamic personality.
- Aquarius is curious about the world around them. They spend a lot of time in their own heads. Aquarius is always philosophizing and daydreaming, trying to expand their mind and worldview.
- When they are alone, an Aquarius will view their space as a time to completely strip of other people’s needs and focus on finding their true selves again. Their alone time is their sanctuary as they tend to be withdrawn and isolated. They have mastered being alone, especially since they’ve accepted that they seem to always feel like they are on the outside looking in. When they are alone, they pick up interesting and quirky hobbies in order to get their mind off of their feelings, which can often become too strong to silence or even manage. They need a place to go to get back into their own sense of self.
- Aquarius are devoted to their lover, but if their partner makes too many demands, becomes extremely jealous, or tries to put limitations on them, they will usually be dropped pretty suddenly. Lovers who try to test them, even though Aquarians like to test their friends and lovers, will soon realize that they shouldn’t have at all. They don’t like breaking up particularly, but if they want to break up, and their partner doesn’t take the hints, the Aquarius may end up doing something to make their partner end the relationship. The end of a relationship means that their partner is back to just being friends. You won’t see and Aquarius sad if their partner leaves, they tend to hide this from their ex well.
- There is a strong push-pull feeling when it comes to being an individual and being part of a group. You want to belong but you reach out to pull yourself away from being like everyone else. You want to be different too, but it’s impossible to be different and the same.
- They wish for someone to see right through them. Aquariuses are known to be mysterious, but they wish that someone would understand.
- The Eclectic Witch - An individual approach that picks and chooses from many different traditions and creates a personalized form of witchcraft that meets their individual needs and abilities. They do not follow a particular religion or tradition, but study and learn from many different systems and use what works best for them.
- Aquarius is the girlfriend that needs her space and alone time. Aquarius will not want a clingy or possessive lover. Aquarius girlfriends need their freedom and will hate to feel restricted.
- "woke af but hopeless" type chill
- the most introverted of the air signs. They need time to retreat and be by themselves, as being around people constantly will leave them feeling drained.
- can secretly be one of the more judgmental signs of the zodiac. They are open minded when it comes to humanity, yet when Aquarius is with people, they will judge peoples actions.
- They are deep thinkers that allow them to see different angles.
- prefer acting logically than emotionally, make logical decisions
- only like emotional people with tons of baggage who are too busy crying to notice them
- Spaceman. Electricity. A lightening bolt. The wilderness, the bizarre, the future. Everything bizarre. The rebel without a cause. "Think different." Feeling misunderstood. The outcast. The outsider. Black sheep. Keeping people at a distance. Learning to become an individual. Unique. Creative. Wanting to be authentic. Unable to be conventional, unable to do what's expected. Iconoclast.
- pretend to be coldhearted but deep down really sensitive
- I am always searching, always questioning, struggling to find the meaning in everything
- When an Aquarius is upset, they detach from all emotions and function on auto-pilot. It takes them longer time to process their emotions than most other people.
- least changeable sign of the zodiac. They are stubborn in nature and have a hard time dealing with change.
- Friends often come to the air signs with their life problems. They will listen for hours till their friends problems, then use the intellect to create inventive solutions and give logical advice.
- need a generous amount of alone time in order to feel secure. When they spend to much time with others, Aquarius is known to become cranky and lose their temper with people.
- most often feels misunderstood. They have a difficult time relating to others and rarely feels that anyone understands them.
- spend their entire lives feeling they must rebel against something, even if they are unsure what that something is.
- has a difficult time “fitting in” with certain groups of people. Aquarius always wants to go their own way instead of following the crowd.
- has to do everything a little bit differently than everyone else and this includes the style in fashion. They are known for wearing outrageous outfits that draw attention.
- is constantly seeking to understand the world around them as they do not feel they fit in the same way everyone else does. This gives them a unique perspective on life and makes Aquarius think life through a philosophical lens.
- have a talent for reading people and understanding others inner motives. They know how tot analyze people intellectually, without letting emotions interfere.
- do not like to let their emotions get in the way of their thinking. This is why Aquarius are such rational and logical thinkers. They can see situations more clearly than others who let emotions get in the way.
- is the sign most free of social conditioning. It does not manner in which way an Aquarius is raised, this sign is determined to come up with their own beliefs and follow their own path.
- Despite how insecure they feel on the inside, Aquarius will express a confident aura when out in public. It is only when they are alone that they will let their insecurities out.
- When Aquarius is younger, they are often insecure of how weird they come across to others, as often they are made fun of for their personalities. When Aquarius grows older, many will go the opposite way, making sure everyone knows exactly how weird they are.
- has a childlike nature that never fully goes away. This comes from their infinite ability to view the world through an idealistic lens
- most objective thinker of the zodiac. They can see everyone’s perspective and hold multiple viewpoints at once. This gives air signs great insights into how other people think.
- can often wear a serious facial expression, even when they are not. This leads people to believe Aquarius are angry or standoffish, when they are actually just lost in thought.
- When it comes to art, for Aquarius, the more unconventional the better. They are drawn to movies, music, art, that is different than everyone else being produced. They want to be around creativity that is unique and original.
- tend to have weird little quirks and habits that confuse others. Their everyday routines differ from other people’s personal habits, but to Aquarius their ways are more effective.
- can have a difficult time expressing to people how they feel. Often, air signs have no idea what their emotions are or what they mean, therefore, they do not know how to explain their feelings to others.
- go through life feeling as if they are completely different or unique than other people. It can be hard for them to feel as if they belong on large social groups, because they stand out so completely from other individuals.
- is prone to erratic thought patterns. They often have burst of insight, they seem to come from nowhere. On other occasions, Aquarius cannot figure out answers to problems no matter how hard they try.
- Doesn’t feel emotions like they think they should. They get into relationships and don’t feel anything for awhile, and because of this they believe there’s something wrong with them and hate themselves for it.
- Badass and also cries themselves to sleep
- Thriller with no real story line
- Even if they try to appear happy, they’ll definitely get uneasy when you’re around. They won’t engage in conversations with you like normally, and will for instance subtly pretend they don’t know you or get easily distracted on purpose to find any available excuses to keep themselves away from you. But if you ask them what’s wrong, they’ll open up, but don’t expect them to tell you the full truth because one of their biggest phobia is confrontration about their feelings. Sometimes it can be really hard to spot when an Aquarius is sad!
- nobody can tell if you're telling the truth, lying or just being sarcastic
- Secretly thinks everyone hates them and is annoyed by them
- internet aquarius: LITERALLY an alien; aquarius irl: knows a lot of shit/talks a lot of shit
- They wish for someone to see right through them. Aquariuses are known to be mysterious, but they wish that someone would understand; someone who wears a mask like a Zorro
- occassional hugger
- tragic rose
- cynic
- they zone out a lot, some will pretend to be "weird" and that's all they can talk about, others seem to have "deep" conversations while at other times seem to tell stories that are actually go nowhere leaving everyone confused, will talk about their beliefs a lot, will "argue" (debate) a lot, all knowing
- the observant boyfriend, always notices little things about you. has a strong memory and will remember almost everything you like or dislike, which makes him great at buying gifts. isn’t afraid to share the things he loves about you.
- carry a vase and everyone would ask me if water is there and I would sigh and say - just air
- be open with them. discuss your problems and have a meaningful apology. think about what you are going to say before speaking. they can sniff out a liar or bad auras. be truthful, and say how you feel when you apologize. depending on your honesty, apology, and relationship, they may or may not forgive you quickly.
- I like to be an Aquarius because everyone thinks it’s a water sign when it’s an air one and it’s the same situation when people think they know me but they don’t
- vintage nature aesthetic
- Not a Fighter, but will knock your lights out if it comes down to it.
- Lowkey super stubborn about things they believe to be right; Really, really good at one area of expertise; Detail oriented; Trust them because they're going to be right
- People think I have no emotions and that I don't care, when in reality I have SO many emotions and sometimes I care so much I think I'm going to explode
- Pragma - love that is driven by the head, not the heart
- Aquarius prefer to forge a friendship first and usually prefer the live apart relationship for as long as they can. Love generates many overwhelming and confusion to an Aquarius, emotions which they struggle to read, this often makes them lose their rationality. Aquarius love love, but guard their independence fiercly
- 1000% poetic
- thinks about the meaning of life all the time
- Hyena - others don't see their real feelings because it looks like they are laughing,but they aren't
- broke with expensive taste
- plastic cup
- big spoon
- their idea of cuddling is holding hands. Unless they’re completely in love with you then they just pretty much will be your blanket.
- as a partner of an Aquarius be open to their advice, let them talk about their interests, be down for spontaneous adventures as well as cozy nights at home. Have a debate with them, become well versed in the things they are passionate about, and take up a hobby together. Always respect their space, let them have some independence. Be their best friend above all else.
- The One Who Likes You But Just Doesn't Show It Very Well
- when angry - they ignore you for forever and are the best at holding grudges. try not to piss off an aquarius. their motto is 0-100 real quick
- probably don't realise that I like someone until it's too late or until they tell me they like me
- Aquarius have their own strange and unique ways of doing things that many people don’t understand
- They actually hate people cause most of em are stupid.
- If you mean a lot to them then you will see how they really act.
- Acts high as fuck when they sober
- I am always listening. Even when you think I'm not listening- ESPECIALLY when you think I'm not listening...I am listening.
- sits down and has an existential crisis while taking a bath
- growls in response
- If I don’t want to be friends or cut ties with someone, then I usually just detach myself from that person until we’re strangers. I don’t like to have pointless arguments over why I am leaving. I’m leaving for a reason. Don’t ask
- never pick up the phone, phone is most of the time just off
- The definition of a romantic disaster. They could fall into the deepest and darkest depths of wonderland for you but are far too aloof for it to be obvious. They love so deeply, so rarely that the idea of their emotions surfacing can be unthinkable. Get nervous around you, awkward or messy with any kind of emotional expression. Talk too much or not at all when around you. The leave you confused because their interests appear to fluctuate on the outside yet stay fixed and clear within, which can lead you to wonder where their true affections lie. They hate this because they truly think you deserve everything and try like crazy to show that they love you in their own ways. Act cold but always put you first. Dislike public displays of affection
- how to comfort Aquarius - Do what you can to understand them, but don't stay on their back. You may have to sit back and let them figure things out themselves, but don't disappear when they need you.
- listening to old music. sliding on wood floors. looking at pictures of a place you've never been. having something to yourself. closing your eyes in a busy place.
- says "like" more times than is warranted in a sentence
- if Aquarius likes you - mindfully listens to you and to your viewpoints. is curious about your interests and goes out of their way to spend time with you
- you are a walking contradiction. you want freedom, yet you want protection. you want to be alone, yet you want the laughter and adventures that only other people can bring you
- you are an inventor. you live in today’s world, but think in tomorrow’s world
- really fuckin weird, like they don't even act weird it just radiates off of them. detached and bored-looking. talks fast or mumbles
- may not be with you very much, but her affections are steadfast and you are always on her mind
- Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.
- more than likely to keep their mouth shut to maintain peace…but only to an extent.
- This may be the most unreliable sign when it comes to relationships. Though these people are sweet, they’re also very confusing and indecisive. They can’t decide if they want to be with someone or leave them.
- always thinking
- piss me off the most - being misunderstood, when my opinios are overlooked or dismissed
- get anti-social at times
- sometimes do things for a shock value or to check if you cares
- to seduce me - show your personality and intelligence, be unique, original, be my friend, be interested in me, talk a lot with me
- Give Aquarius the real deal rather than some whack excuse or justification, they hate that.
- They can convey the most heart-wrenching story but at the same time keep a poker face.
- Talkativeness, rapid speech, over thinking, restlessness, insomnia, confusion; Aquarians will feel anxious or nervous yet have little insight into why they feel this way or what is causing it, their minds and emotional responses are not connected
- Messy and unorganized. Procrastinators. Extreme thinkers. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story.
- build emotional wall
- selective
- definition of love is not very deep. Commitment is verbal, hardly ever emotional. Prone to leave at the first sing of troubles
- can't easily forget situations
- eclectic
- introvertic
- sarcastic
- stay silent or say what's in their mind
- will put on a smile to not ruin mood of others'
- long recovery process
- hurt can grow distant
- you really have to invest time in to get to know me
- loner
- seen as unorganized but have organizing ability, is capable and practical, just have eccentric way of organizing
- water - can mix with a lot of things and still be good, has cold and hot moments, can stand alone, important
- They value communication and intelligent so they will being picking apart their crush’s brain. They are constantly approaching their crushes with new topics and discussions. Their heart of gold will show around their crush and they will always want to be there for their crush to help them and provide comfort
dec 25 2015 ∞
nov 13 2017 +