- I got him from my ex friend when homeless dog gave birth to 4 puppies on her yard
- he has a broken tail
- he is black, cream and white
- his ear are usually upside down
- he never barks while on a walk, he just doesn't care about anyone during his walk
- he doesn't behave properly on a walk - sometimes pulls so much he starts to choke
- he learned to go to his house when it's his meal time
- he can eat everything! he even ate the roof of his house lol
- he is rather smol
- he likes to howl when he hears sirens
- he likes to sit out when it's snowing but not when it's raining
- he can catch a lizard easily
- he sometimes eats his poop eww
- he always has to get a treat when I open the door
- he knows he can't pee inside the house
- he jumps very very high (about 150 cm)
- he likes to steal things and run away for you to chase him
- he eat grass and drink water (and cough - everytime)
- he was ill only once in his lifetime
- he is 10 years old
- he is always too excited before a walk too let me put his harness on him
- he always poop at the beginning of the walk
- he sometimes gets too tired to come back home from the walk
- he has a lot of energy but sometimes is just lazy
- he scratches his back over the grass and the fence
- we never cut his balls so he acts like a puppy
- he hits and licks neighbor's stupid dog
- he likes patting on his butt
- he hates hugging
- he only lays down to get a belly rubbin from my dad
- he is scared of camera and hula hoop
- he is jealous
- when you sit on the ground he will probably jump on your head
- he licks your bare feet
- he raped my blue combat boots :(
- he hates textiles, he has to lay down without any blankets and pillows
- when he finds a dead animal he just carry it around or toss it
- he sometimes roll in some kind of smell (dunno why)
- he was the most sleepy puppy and a coward(and he was overweight too)
- he hates the postman (like any other dog probably)
- he knows my sister's bf rides his car from afar
- he has a great memory towards people
- he's name is Ĺasuch (Gourmand)
nov 15 2016 ∞
jun 16 2019 +