• "Daydreams were dangerous because they made her wish for things she could never have."
  • "Every time you look at the stars, it's like opening a door. You could be anyone, anywhere. You could be yourself at any moment in your life. You open that door and you realize you're the same person under the same stars. Camping out in the backyard with your best friend, eleven years old. Sixteen, driving alone, stopping at the edge of the city, looking up at the same stars. Walking a wooded path, riding a rowboat, staring out the back window of a car, you're eleven again. Out here where the world begins and ends, it's like nothing ever stops happening."
  • "I am just so excited to finish high school, move away to a beautiful city and live in a cute cozy apartment. Find a job that I love, meet lovely new people, explore the world, go to new places I've never been before and have everything together for once."
  • "I'd rather write about this world than live in it, and I'd rather play music all day and read and wander around in bookstores and watch humans, but not be one of them."
  • "I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met."
  • "If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die."
  • "It's really strange to think that we're all just background characters in other people's lives, someone they walk past while rushing to be somewhere or bump into on their way to get coffee and these people all have their own problems and insecurities and lives and we're not part of them. I just think about that a lot."
  • "Life is only precious because it ends."
  • "Nobody will keep their middle school friends forever. You'll fail a math test once in your life. Your teachers will assign you seats away from your friends and your parents will assign you to your room when you do illegal things. You're going to get drunk and say something you'll regret. You'e going to cry over boys who's names you won't remember in twenty years. You're going to call your friends names behind their back when they make you mad, and they're going to do the same to you. You're going to be on your own once in a while. Your opinions of people will change, once you get to know them. You're going to run from the police. You're going to hold someones hair back at one o'clock on a Saturday morning. You're going to find that one book in English class that you actually read. People are going to make fun of the music you like, and other people are going to like it just the same. You're never going to finish all of your homework. You're going to cry and maybe, just maybe, need a hug from your mom. You're going to bullshit every essay you write and pray that you sound like you know what you're talking about. You're going to get lost in a neighborhood that you don't know and walk around till you find where you're going. You're going to sing happy teenage ballads all alone in your room when no one else is home. You're going to dream of finally getting out of your town, and you're going to miss it when you leave. You're going to take pictures that you will blush at in five years. You're going to get whistled at, cheated on, yelled at, ditched by your friends, played by boys, laughed at. You're going to fall in and out of love, and one day you might really figure out what that word means. You're never going to stop looking for yourself. You are a teenager, so stop trying so hard, expecting so much, crying so often. Walk with your head held high. Quit talking shit about people. Take a walk outside. Go to school and smile at everyone, and who knows. You might really make it through."
  • "People do not die from suicide; they die from sadness."
  • "The less you reveal, the more people can wonder."
  • "The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do."
  • "When the dreamer dies, what happens to the dream?"
  • "Who lives sees, but who travels sees more."
  • "Your life isn't an episode of Skins. Things will never look quite as good as they do in a faded, sun-drenched Polaroid; your days are not an editorial from Lula. Your life is not a Sofia Coppola movie, or a Chuck Palahniuk novel, or a Charles Bukowski poem. Grace Coddington isn't your creative director. Bon Iver and Joy Division don't play softly in the background at appropriate moments. Your hysterical teenage diary isn't a work of art. Your room probably isn't Shelby material. Your life isn't a Tumblr screencap. Every word that comes out of your mouth will not be beautiful and poignant, infinitely quotable. Your pain will not be pretty. Crying till you vomit is always shit. You cannot romanticize hurt. Or sadness. Or loneliness. You will have homework, and hangovers and bad hair days. The train being late won't lead to any fateful encounters, it will make you late. Sometimes your work will suck. Sometimes you will suck. Far too often, everything will suck- and not in a Wes Anderson kind of way. And there is no divine consolation- only the knowledge that we will hopefully experience the full spectrum- and that sometimes, just somethings, life will feel like a Coppola film."
  • “Death could not erase her; she is permanent.” — Veronica Roth, Allegiant
  • “Do you ever think about all the people who you might have fallen in love with if only you’d taken a different way home or stood a little longer in the bread aisle at the supermarket? All the people who might have been an integral part of your life but instead you’ll never know them. The unimaginable impact that our mundane choices have on our lives really gets to me. Think of how many times I might have died if I’d made different choices. Maybe I’d be homeless. Maybe I’d be famous. Maybe I’d be rich. Sometimes I’m so overwhelmed by the impact of my choices that I can’t choose anything at all because I’m afraid today will be the day that I make the choice that changes everything.”
  • “Everyone should smile. Life really isn’t that serious. We make it hard. The sun rises. The sun sets. We just tend to complicate the process.” — Arian Foster
  • “I already said too much. I already shared too much, and I want all my secrets back. I hate getting close to people these days, I always regret sharing too much, caring too much, doing too much, feeling too much.”
  • “It doesn’t make sense to call ourselves ugly, because we don’t really see ourselves. We don’t watch ourselves sleeping in bed, curled up and silent with chests rising and falling with our own rhythm. We don’t see ourselves reading a book, eyes fluttering and glowing. You don’t see yourself looking at someone with love and care inside your heart. There’s no mirror in your way when you’re laughing and smiling and happiness is leaking out of you. You would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in the moments where you are truly yourself.”
  • “Marry someone who lets you have a bite of their brownie, even when you said you weren’t hungry. Marry someone who laughs at the same things you do. Marry someone who kisses your nose on a cold day. Marry someone who you can watch Disney movies with. Marry someone who is proud of you whether you earn £5 a week or £5,000 a week. Marry someone who you can tell everything to. Marry someone who isn’t afraid or embarrassed to hold your hand in public. Marry someone who lets you take over when decorating a cake. Marry someone who you can spend the day in Ikea with without feeling stressed. Marry someone who wraps you up inside their coat in the winter. Marry someone who accepts your fears and phobias. Marry someone who gives you butterflies every time you hear their key in the door. Marry someone who you don’t always have to shave your legs for. Marry someone who accepts you all day every day, even when you don’t look or feel your best. Marry someone who puts three sugars in your tea, despite telling them “just the two”. Marry someone who doesn’t judge you when you eat your body weight in cookies. Marry someone who doesn’t make you want to check your phone, because you know they will reply. Marry someone who waits with you to get on the train. Marry someone who understands that you need to be alone sometimes. Marry someone who gets on well with your parents and isn’t uptight about family events. Marry someone who calms you down when you get mad about stupid stuff, and never tells you it’s “only stupid stuff”. Marry someone who makes you want to be a better person. Marry someone who makes you laugh. Marry someone who you love. Marry your soulmate, your lover, your best friend.”
  • “Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn’t have. Maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again.” — Carol Rifka Brunt, Tell the Wolves I’m Home
  • “Some do drugs, others go out for a run, but at the end we’re all just searching for that tiny space, perhaps a hole, that gives us shelter from the terrible reality of the world.”
  • “There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand — without you even speaking a word.” — Yasmin Mogahed
feb 8 2013 ∞
nov 10 2013 +