Ah, life -- still haven't got 1001 things
- Become registered
- Take care of car
- Go in a hot air balloon
- Go to a poetry slam
- Save enough money to go traveling
- Make plans to locum o/s
- Try three foods not tried before
- Hug one person you haven't hugged before
- Travel locally - refer to list
- Go holiday interstate
- Visit local radio station
- Visit Mr H
- Go to one JE meetup
- Fix turntable
- Volunteer at soup kitchen or nursing home at Christmas
- Organise which clothes are donateable or for garbage
- Ask the contacts of three people you like
- Keep journaling
- Be clearer and less aloof with friends
- Track spending for one month
- Do Post Grad
- Pay off undergrad debt
- Learn how to do three tricks in Photoshop
- Learn three important techniques in photography
- Remember screenshot keyboard shortcut
- Understand superannuation
- Write one simple program in computer language of choice
- Bootcamp or parallel desktop computer
- Visit a linux computer interest group once
- Understand how the Polaroid works
- Learn about paper sizes and quality
- Be able to write a coherent essay in chinese
- Be able to understand conversations in chinese
- Revise IB Physics and learn 2nd Year University Physics
- Revise University Chemistry and think about a Honours Project
- Research health and drug needs in the Third World
- Consider Health Economics or Economics Post Grad
- Revise IB Economics and study Health Economics notes/text
- Learn Beginners Italian or Spanish or Japanese
- Learn a few words in Latin
- Learn English History gaps discovered in visit to England
- Do Grade 7 Theory
- Play 2 x songs from Wicked
- Complete 2 x Chopin songs
- Tidy song repertoire
- Relearn Golliwog's Cake Walk
- Start preparing for sitting Grade 8 / Find a teacher
- Learn 2 x songs for guitar from list
- Go to one live performance
- Finish at least 4 books from list
- Finish at least 10 movies from list
- Learn how to knit and crochet
- Learn to sew clothing
- Learn how to oil pastel and charcoal draw
- Learn to combine with watercolours
- Learn how to draw people and nature and objects
- Make a scrapbook to be proud of
- Learn how to bookbind
- Make a photocollage journal
- Make a moleskine
- Vacuum room at least once a month
- Cook cookies or muffins once
- Try at least one nyonya kueh receipe
- Improve Rollerblading
- Go Iceskating once
- Learn Yoga or Tae Kwan Do
- Go swimming at least twice
- Go rockclimbing
- Play hopscotch in park
apr 26 2008 ∞
mar 23 2014 +