Roughly in order from least disliked to most disliked.

  • People are always grinning, smiling, smirking, sneering, beaming, or making other faces.
  • Everyone says "flood-swollen river". Everyone. I'd never have thought of putting it that way. Why do all the characters use those words?
  • The term "pouting peak" in a sex scene.
  • The confrontations - or lack of such - are much too easy; they require no effort to achieve.
  • Characters are called more than one name. Is she Georgia or Dudley or Tommy's little sister or Sister Mary Teresa? Why is he Dan in one paragraph and Howard in the next? Pick one, please!
  • False -ing simultaneity.
  • Head-hopping. Three different characters in five paragraphs! I'm going crazy.
aug 27 2010 ∞
sep 29 2010 +