- Pocket:
- Wallet
- Quarter coin purse
- My pocket watch
- Feminine hygiene things
- Tissues
- Pencils
- Pens
- AA batteries
- Pin for resetting my MP3 player
- My MP3 player
- Ear-bud headphones
- Receipts
- Peppermints
- An old butterscotch candy
- Key chain
- Tiny Moleskine notebook
- Front:
- Tissues
- Peppermints
- Granola bar
- Pocket-size ecosystem notebook
- Glasses case (sometimes)
- Main:
- At least two notebooks
- Assorted books
- A few scattered pencils or pens
- Crumpled receipts
- Top:
- Laptop
- Cloth bag (sometimes)
- Bottle of juice or soda
- More books
I imagine that if I dug through it, I would find more than what's listed here.
mar 12 2011 ∞
apr 6 2011 +