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  • male feminists
    • the term makes me cringe. 100% of all self-proclaimed male feminists I've met have been glory-hunters and annoying - and very seriously, most hold deeply misogynistic views in private.
    • men who support women's struggle for liberation are great. but they shouldn't try and hijack the movement. I see male feminists writing articles on patriarchy - trust me, there's nothing they've said that a woman hasn't already said, much more eloquently.
    • i'm really annoyed that Emma Watson started all this #HeforShe stuff. i used to love her so much, now she's just the poster-girl for white liberal feminism. ugh.
  • the blanket assumption that atheists are progressive
    • it's not rooted in reality.
    • many atheists are horrible. I've been on the receiving end of homophobic and misogynistic abuse from self-described 'enlightened' and 'rational' atheists. at the same time, I've been supported by Christian, Jewish and Muslim friends against hateful trolls.
    • also, many 'new atheists' like Richard Dawkins and Stephen Fry are proudly Islamophobic. they literally despise Muslims. how 'progressive'!
    • of course, i'm not saying all atheists are terrible people. my boyfriend is one and i suppose he's okay. but the black-and-white idea that religious people are backwards and conservative whereas atheist people are accepting, tolerant and oh-so liberal is bullshit.
  • people who're against trigger warnings.
    • stop whining!
    • trigger warnings are little notes that warn readers of stuff that could potentially trigger them in an article (e.g. discussing eating disorders, rape, suicide, etc).
    • they allow someone who's been really affected by one of those issues to judge whether they feel comfortable reading on
    • as somebody with PTSD, I find them helpful. but for those who aren't affected - they do zero harm, and you don't have to pay attention to them. they can save people from experiencing terrible flashbacks.
    • besides, there are precedents - news channels say 'this report has flashing images' to warn epileptic people. food is clearly labelled with ingredients so people with allergies can see whether or not to avoid it.
    • so yes, your complaints aren't worth shit.
  • liberal feminists
    • tend to be very white and very middle class.
    • they're motivated by mundane shit like getting female faces on banknotes and getting more women to become corporate managers - i.e. stuff that is of absolutely no benefit to 99.9% of women.
  • pro-life people
    • fuck being 'respectful' of others opinions. not when women's lives are on the line here.
    • if abortion was banned, women would die in dirty, unregulated back-street clinics trying to access illegal abortions. pro-life people aren't pro-life at all; they're happy and content to see women die.
    • and from experience, pro-life people are selfish, unkind and cold. most would never adopt. most don't care if a child's being born into a lifetime of poverty and deprivation. they're pro-birth - that's all.
    • and because most pro-life people are motivated by getting misguided 'god points', many contradict themselves - they want babies to be put up for adoption... but being adopted by gay and lesbian couples is a massive no-no.
    • we need abortion without stigma, without limits, without criminalisation. viva reproductive rights!
apr 17 2016 ∞
sep 12 2016 +