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  • I am against the institution of marriage. I think it's outdated, repressive and rooted in the subordinance of women.
  • I'm a feminist but find most other feminists annoying as hell - especially 'liberal feminists' who focus on mundane shit like the tampon tax and not on more serious issues, like sex workers' rights, transwomen being killed, etc.
  • I support an open border immigration policy. The world belongs to people; it shouldn't be up to racist politicians to dictate where people can and can't settle.
  • I hate vegans who act as if their diet is free from suffering and exploitation - what about the low-paid fruitpickers who picked your pomegranates? Were they not exploited?
  • I believe women prisoners should be allowed to keep their children in prison with them. I think it's disgusting that incarcerated mums are forced to hand their babies over to perfect strangers just hours after giving birth.
  • I think all oppressed people have a right to self-defence against right-wing death squads, queerbashers, racist thugs, out of control husbands, repressive police, etc.
  • I'm anti-capitalist. I think capitalism promotes greed and selfishness, makes human suffering profitable, destroys the environment and traps people in a cycle of debt and exploitation... socialism is way better.
  • If you vote for the Conservatives, you're a cunt.
mar 25 2016 ∞
apr 8 2016 +