reproductive justice --
- Legalize unrestricted abortion on demand.
- Free birth control.
- Accurate sex education in all schools.
- Buffer zones around abortion clinics.
- 24-hrs a day free childcare provision.
- Generous family benefits for every child.
- Living wages for stay-at-home moms.
- 18-months paid leave for all parents - straight or queer.
drugs reform --
- Legalize cannabis and grow it on small-scale collectives.
- Decriminalize all other illegal substances.
- Free testing kits and sterile needles.
- High-quality drug education for our kids.
- Take drug production out the black market - regulate them.
- Set up more stigma-free treatment clinics.
- Amnesty for all non-violent drugs prisoners.
- Clean, free heroin on prescription for all addicts.
- Massively invest in rehab and detox.
criminal justice --
- Abolish the racist death penalty.
- Harsher punishments for cops found guilty of misconduct.
- Freedom for all political prisoners.
- In terms of justice, focus on rehabilitation, not punishment.
- Smash the prison industrial complex - end prison labor for private profits. Stop the mass incarceration of people of color.
- Abolish prisons - set up education and training facilities, mental health clinics and rehabilitation units instead.
- End racial profiling and arbitrary stop and search.
- Stop jailing people for being illegal immigrants, sex workers, mentally ill, in possession of drugs - i.e. things that pose absolutely no threat to public safety.
- Defend civil liberties. Repeal the Patriot Act.
racial justice --
- Support affirmative action.
- Pay African American communities huge reparations as compensation for the hard, unpaid labor of their ancestors.
- Honor all treaties with Native American nations.
- Have an open door immigration policy.
- No militarization of the US/Mexico border.
- Citizenship for all undocumented workers.
- End racist deportations. Full civil rights for immigrants.
- Accept 200,000+ Syrian refugees.
- Don't declare English the official language of America.
- Multilingual public information and voting materials.
international affairs --
- Nuclear disarmament.
- Demilitarize the economy. Cut military spending by 90%. Redirect that money in overseas aid, healthcare and jobs.
- Abolish the US war machine. Curb the arms industry.
- End the use of drones for war and spying.
- Democratize the United Nations.
- Leave all international free trade pacts like NAFTA.
- Abolish the IMF. Debt relief for the global south.
- Sanctions on Israel. Recognise the State of Palestine. Invest in massive humanitarian relief for Gaza.
- Support the Syrian people's uprising against Assad and ISIS.
- End wars for oil.
- Independence for Tibet, Chechnya, Kashmir and West Papua.
- Support Ukraine's right to defence against Russian aggression.
economic justice --
- A living wage of $15.00 an hour.
- Create jobs by investing in green technology and infrastructure.
- Introduce a Universal Basic Income.
- Phase in a 4-day working week.
- Set up a National Health Program, proving free medical treatment to everybody. Big private insurance firms shouldn't be profiting out of people's ill-health.
- Cancel all student debt. Abolish college tuition fees.
- Build more safe, not-for-profit housing. End homelessness. Affordable places to stay for all. Rent controls.
- Sickness and maternity leave for all workers.
- Raise taxes on rich people and giant corporations. Also close the tax loopholes - make the rich cough up!
- Break up the big banks that trashed the economy.
- Increase federal aid to poor cities and sates.
- Support economic democracy and workers' cooperatives.
- Close the wage gap between races, genders and ages.
environmental justice --
- Negotiate global treaties to halt climate change.
- Ban fracking, uranium mining, off-shore drilling and nuclear power. Invest in clean and safe renewables.
- Protect our national parks.
- Introduce strict new green taxes for corporations.
- Compulsory labelling of GMOs.
- End environmental racism. Stop big businesses from dumping their toxic pollution in indigenous American reservations.
- Support organic agriculture.
- Ban the evil intensive farming industry - no gestation crates, caging of chickens, etc. Ban animal testing.