accessory ⇢ necklaces

album ⇢ the happiest star (lexie liu)

angel number ⇢ 222 and 888

animal ⇢ dogs

article of clothing ⇢ blouses

artist ⇢ tamara de lempicka, pierre-auguste renoir

book genre ⇢ non-fiction + nichijoukei manga

book ⇢ (currently) lovely war by julie berry

brand ⇢ stabilo

character ⇢

color ⇢ pastel pink, purple, and blue (ikyk)

composer ⇢ fauré, debussy, satie

crystal ⇢ howlite

day of the week ⇢ sunday

decade ⇢ 1920s

dessert ⇢ god, this one is hard--i will eat anything if it's dessert. but a good chocolate steals my heart every time.

display of affection ⇢ soft gazes

drama ⇢ start-up (2020)

drink ⇢ english breakfast/assam black tea, or iced vanilla caramel latte

film ⇢

flower ⇢

food ⇢

fruit ⇢ mango, cantaloupe

game ⇢ monopoly

ice cream ⇢ java chip, mint chip

language ⇢ german

love language ⇢

month ⇢ october

movie genre ⇢

music genre ⇢

musician ⇢

number ⇢ 17

perfume ⇢ replica lazy sunday morning or love2love fresh rose + peach

place ⇢ the city at night, or the lake on a sunny day

place to be kissed ⇢ neck

planet ⇢ TOI 1338 (look it up PLS)

punctuation mark ⇢ ; (semi-colon)

scent ⇢ sugar cookies, freshly made waffles, chocolate chip cookies

season ⇢ autumn

shape ⇢ heart

tarot card ⇢ justice

trope ⇢ forbidden lovers

word ⇢

sep 10 2023 ∞
nov 7 2023 +