Lucky Fish by Emily May Jampel +


This film is hands-down my favorite. It's short and meaningful in all of the perfect ways, and one I rewatch constantly. From the use of liminal space (ESPECIALLY the beautiful setting of an aquarium) to the wonderful conversation about selfishness, to the quintessential sapphic-longing gazes and stares. Embodied my queer experience in 8 minutes.

Bloom by Gracie Flores +


Cute and truly heartfelt. I loved the way that Flor's awkwardness (if that's the right word) and blooming (pun unintended!) understanding of her own sexuality helped enhance the story as she realized her feelings for Lily.

I felt like some of the dialogue, such as Flor's diary entries and Lily's discussion about night-blooming flowers, felt slightly unrealistic and scripted when you think about what two teenagers would actually be saying to each other--but at the same time, wlw are poetic asf, and I think Flor's flowery language (I'm really using a lot of floral puns, damn) really helped distinguish how she was obviously feeling a lot more intensely about Lilly than she normally felt.

We Best Love by Ray Jiang

9/10 I had just started the second season when my life got crazy and I put it on pause, so I'm rewatching the whole thing now!

To review: bad buddy,

gap the series pluto love senior the series

sep 11 2023 ∞
nov 14 2023 +