- High School Musical - Soundtrack to Motion Picture
- Wham - Bad Boys
- KISS - Dressed to Kill
- Cheap Trick - Dream Police
- Get a picture of your group on stage at open mic night. You pick the place.
- Get a picture of your group picketing downtown w/ big signs - you pick the cause.
- Get a picture of your group washing dishes at a restaurant
- Get a picture of your group delivering food to the food pantry
- Get a picture of team member trying on a wedding dress
- Get a picture of a team member in a dentist chair
- Get a picture of your team in a police car. Bonus if the lights are flashing
- Get a picture of the team with a cow
- Get a picture eating KFC in a convertable parked at Massabesic Park
- Get a picture eating “The Pie Who Loved Me”. Be sure picture IDʼs location.
- Get a picture with the mayor of Manchester. Bonus if heʼs wearing a DS shirt.
- Get a picture with Ray Brewer. Bonus points if heʼs wearing a DS shirt.
- Get a picture with the Quiznos Dancing Cup. Bonus if heʼs wearing a DS hat.
- Get a picture with a Manchester Meter Attendant
- Walking across the bridge next to Fortin Field.
- Ice cream, ice cream, we all scream for ice cream.
- A big thank you from France for help in the war
- This is a royal treat
- Get a picture in front of octogonal house with a hexagonal garage.
- Get a picture with the Greek muse head (Comus) from an old theater.
- Get a picture in front of the original WMUR studio bulding
- Get a picture in front of the original Manchester High School building
may 15 2010 ∞
may 18 2010 +