Some highlights and funny things from a delightful Sunday.
- I held a Christian Louboutin shoe in Neiman Marcus. I may be the only person who appreciates this. But literally, it was a religious experience. I thought I heard angels singing when I held it. (For about a year and half it has been my life goal to own a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, for the record. That man is a genius.)
- SUPER attractive waiter at the Cheesecake Factory. I think I accidentally pushed my boobs together while talking to him. That was bad. AND HE KNEW MY NAME!
- We saw New Moon. FUNNIEST SHIT EVER. Seriously, there were points when I thought I was going to die of laughter. We offended everyone in the theater, I think. (Seriously. One of the women who was in the theater came and talked to us to get us to stop laughing. It was embarrassing.)
- Anthropologie. It is beautiful. I want to live there.
- "Her mother won't let her cut her hair because it's too pretty." "Will her mom not let her lose weight because her ass is so fat?"
feb 22 2010 ∞
apr 1 2010 +