- AP English - Start by wowing Mr. Anthony at the beginning of the year with my literary prowess and extensive reading, then TALK IN CLASS - B+ for the year? 4 on the AP?
- AP French - Don't die. I think that's all I can hope for.
- Advanced Studio Art II - Stay on top of gallery visits, etc. Be awesome. Actually use a sketchbook this year. Draw and paint some freaking awesome stuff and get put in Excerpt (which I could arrange for the fall term, being art editor and all).
- AP Calc - Remain good at math. A- for the year?
- Science electives - Transfer out if they make you write a lab report. SERIOUSLY. I didn't mind them before, but after physics I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.
- Steinbeck and Fitzgerald - Be awesome in this class. Also, if they don't put you in it, MAKE A SCENE. COMPLAIN TO KKH. I can swing a B+, definitely.
- Ideas and History of the West - OWN FACE.
- I'd like to find a prom date, ideally. Going stag to my senior prom would not be cool. Being one of Phil's six dates doesn't count.
- Keep my locker clean. It'll be hard, but I think after seven years of having a messy locker it's about time that I can manage it.
jul 15 2009 ∞
mar 29 2010 +