I'm pretty sure this man has destroyed the school, just saying. And I think most people agree.
- He comes into the school and changes the dress code pretty dramatically... without consulting us or letting us know before we went and purchased all of our new clothes. Not a good way to start off.
- His analogies in his speeches are ridiculous. Some of his more memorable analogies include comparing the dress code to paint, comparing the faculty to the heating system for the school, and comparing people to punctuation marks. And then there was something about donkeys kicking barns? I think? I tried to repress that one.
- That segway? WHAT THE FUCK? I understand that he needs to move around and such, but... Big Daddy, that makes you look like a tool.
- ... and of course no one will ever forget the time he played a recording of "The Road Not Taken" and wheeled around on his segway on the stage. What was that?
- The TV in the entry. I think that we all can agree that a $3000 TV for the entrance to our school (to display... what, the word of the day and inspirational quotes?) is really not necessary when there's at least one leak in the roof.
- Apparently we don't deny anyone anymore. I was sort of scandalized. We claim to be this elite school, but I feel that, at least in regards to intellectualism, that it's impossible to be elite as we claim if we let in every kid whose parents can pay. I remember back in the good old days, when I got wait listed...
- And my dad reminds me that he came right at the same time Bedford opened its high school, which seriously diminishes the number of kids coming from Bedford, who were always the plurality. That might make it necessary to accept more people, and I'm sure that it certainly plays a role, but when we literally have to add more lockers because there aren't enough for all the students, that tells me that fewer applicants isn't the problem.)
- I love the turf field, but frankly I feel that we could have used that million dollars in a better way. It really wasn't necessary.
- EVERYONE CAN DO EVERYTHING THEY WANT TO NO MATTER WHAT THEIR QUALIFICATIONS ARE. What happened to getting rejected from the play and musical and actually having to apply to AP and honors classes?
- It seems that he makes many of his decisions in a vacuum and doesn't consult and/or listen to the opinions of the majority of the faculty--let alone the students--in making these decisions. For example...
- The changing of the schedule. Did anyone find out about it until it was already set in stone? NO. I like it now, but I don't think it was necessarily the best decision, and certainly not one that should have been made by exactly four people.
- Reworking the English options for juniors and seniors to add year-long courses for juniors and seriously decrease the number of electives offered. They asked our opinion, but I'm pretty sure they just didn't listen to it.
- Is he ever even in school? Not including assemblies, I think I see him... maybe two or three times a month. AND HIS OFFICE IS RIGHT ACROSS FROM WHERE I SPEND ROUGHLY A THIRD OF MY DAY.
- This Caribbean cruise thing? WHAT THE FUCK. IF YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE THE SCHOOL FOR THAT LONG TO GO TO THE TROPICS, WHY DON'T YOU JUST STAY THERE AND LET US REPLACE YOU. Because seriously, whose parents can afford to send them to the Carribean for "study abroad?" And study abroad? I'm pretty sure we're not a college, Big Daddy. So few people study abroad in high school. I feel like you just want an excuse to go to the Carribean.
- Anne makes a speech criticizing the school and gets a stern talking-to. Enough said.
- And all the while Big Daddy is completely ignorant of the fact that EVERYONE HATES HIM WITH A BURNING PASSION.
jan 24 2010 ∞
jul 4 2010 +