I probably have unrealistically high expectations for my college experience.
- As much as I love New Hampshire, I could really use a change of scenery.
- I want to take classes that are relevant and interesting and (hopefully) taught by interesting and funny professors.
- I'd like to be able to decorate a new room, considering that mine is beyond all hope. (Of course, there's that slight problem of a roommate...)
- A variety of places to study. Because honestly, doing homework on my bed is getting a little old.
- BOYS. I'm looking forward to an array of dating possibilities. Because, to be perfectly honest, Derryfield is sorely lacking in good-looking and/or non-asshole guys.
- Despite my love for my friends and the fact that I am beyond socially awkward, I'm vaguely excited to make new friends.
jan 19 2009 ∞
mar 12 2011 +