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  • Government's aim is to protect and help its people. Therefore, I support things that do that.
  • I think that the rich are rich enough, and they should be more heavily taxed. There are people who are starving in our country, for God's sake. I think billionaires could spare some of their money to help others.
  • Abortion is unfortunate and no replacement for birth control, but there should not be any legislation against it. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one. Simple as that.
  • I believe in equal rights for same-sex couples. That means marriage. If it doesn't conform to your traditional definition of marriage, suck it up.
  • Welfare is good. So what if the poor didn't "earn it?" A lot of the time, it's not their fault that they're in the situation they're in. We can't just let people starve. That's ridiculous.
  • Universal healthcare is an ideal that we should strive for. Will it ever happen? Probably not. The privatization of the healthcare industry is bad. Especially John McCain's "tax credit" plan. That's stupid.
  • Iraq was a mistake. The "surge" is not working. It's just another Vietnam and our own form of imperialism. We have no right to dictate how other countries govern themselves, and unless they pose a clear threat to the world, we shouldn't interfere. We should get out. Soon.
  • Sarah Palin should go back to her igloo.
  • Drilling in Alaska is stupid.
  • I do not believe in the death penalty.
oct 6 2008 ∞
sep 16 2009 +