- The touch screen is sensitive. TOO SENSITIVE. If you're holding the phone in your hand and you put a finger on the side of your phone (NOT THE SCREEN, JUST NEAR THE SCREEN), you will inevitably touch something and that will screw everything up.
- For some reason it has a habit of switching from the home screen through the other screens as far left as it can go. FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT IT IS NOT PERFECTLY FLAT. Try typing a text message AND HAVING IT ENTER EACH LETTER YOU TYPE IN THE MIDDLE OF A WORD. NOT COOL.
- I dropped it once while I was working out on the elliptical, and so the up volume button broke. (IT WAS LIKE A THREE FOOT FALL, THAT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. RAGE.) So now I to use this obnoxious volume widget to change the volume, only you can't change the volume during music playback, so I have to stop my music (which is a problem if I'm listening to Last.fm, because I can't pause) to turn up the volume.
- It eats battery like a mother. Even when it's on standby, it can go through 10% of the battery in like 15 minutes. UM, THAT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN WHEN I'M NOT ACTUALLY USING THE PHONE. As a result, I rarely have battery when I actually need it.
aug 4 2010 ∞
dec 26 2010 +