Now that I'm going to be a senior and I've already finished my distribution requirements and my minor, my only required class next semester is the advanced studio seminar for art majors. Which means I get to take three electives next semester! I have no idea what to do. It's like freshman year all over again, except now I'm stuck in my ways and don't want to try anything new.
- ARTS 480 - Advanced Studio - W 7-10 (with Marcell or Craig)
- ARHS 113 - Survey of Architecture - MWF 2:10-3 (Dwyer)
- ECON 101 - Principles of Microeconomics - MWF 11:10-12 or 12:10-1 (Corrigan)
- MATH 335 - Abstract Algebra I - MWF 1:10-2 (SMITH!!)
- PYSC 100 - Introduction to Psychology - TR 1:10-2:30 (Lopez)
- WGS 111 - Intro to Women's and Gender Studies - MWF 10:10-11 (Suydam)
- MATH 327 - Number Theory Seminar - TR 9:40-11 (JUDY!!!)