- walk the dogs at 11 and 3 - set alarms so that you remember, you moron!
- fold and put away laundry
- eat a real lunch (none of this random snacking nonsense)
- clean up after any messes made
- clean room so that it is SPOTLESS
- write Justice paper
- The Republic - finish Book V
- read (or at least skim) chapter 33 in Pageant and use notes to better understanding
- wash all of the pairs of Mom's socks that you have borrowed and give them back to her, moron!
- French reading to page 81
- print out pictures for the art landscape on Mom's color printer
- do any work on physics lab that can be done
- burn a CD of Jason Mraz songs for Erikins
- burn the first Harry and the Potters album for Kaitlyn
- read some of the AP exam prep book to study for APUSH DBQ
jan 22 2009 ∞
feb 11 2009 +