• him funding not only me to live with him but also a partner to live with me for over a year 2 different times with nothing i could give back in return besides my gratitude
  • him taking me and my partner in on my 18th birthday when i so desperately wanted to be out of my mother's house forever
  • that any joy i experienced as a child at all came from his benefaction
    • dance lessons
    • field trips
    • spending money for anything, ever
    • trips to conventions
  • that even though it was to the point of abuse, he believed so much in my intelligence and capability as a person, even though it was never good enough until it was too late, he always thought me capable of anything and always said i was one of the smartest people he'd ever met in his life
  • that he always funded me to come back home when i was having a mental breakdown all the times i tried to move away from home but couldn't sustain it because i was so severely mentally ill and had no support or professional help
  • the last time i talked to him, about a week before he passed, he fully apologised to me for not taking responsibility and doing more to protect us when he could have when my brother and i were being severely abused by our mother and neglected by our stepfather our whole childhoods and finally really seemed to grasp that i'm severely mentally ill for a reason and it's fair that it's taken me so long to reach stability in life
aug 16 2023 ∞
sep 6 2023 +