that i don't feel like googling to potentially find the answer to

  • why "land ownership" is even accepted as a thing in society when in reality it's just a grander scale of a child drawing a circle around themself in the sandbox and saying "this is my area, you can't come in", like it's the earth, bro. you don't own shit
    • how far down does land ownership go? does one "own" the entire earth contents below their home going down to the core?
      • wtf you gonna do with the mantle or the core?
  • why being unhomed is seen as a sign of personal failure rather than the failure of a government to care the basic needs of its own citizens when people don't ask to be born and the purpose of governments should be to care for the people that exist within the land it oversees
    • especially because there are more than enough constructed homes to house said citizens and it sure would be more likely for people to participate in society if they had their basic needs met
  • why products are made more expensive and less accessible in the name of profit when, if products were cheaper, more people would be able to buy them, and the difference would likely be made up by volume of purchases and quality of life would increase for everyone, wouldn't that stimulate the economy better than whatever the fuck is going on rn?
  • why sparkling water is more expensive than soda despite both being carbonated water as a base and water having less ingredients
  • why the government can give millions of dollars to fund the war efforts of another country but claims it can't make things any easier or cheaper for its own citizens
  • why vision and dental are not included in "universal healthcare" and why healthcare covers many other blood tests but not vitamin D, as if your eyes, your teeth, and your bones do not contribute to your health whatsoever?
  • why any tools that improve accessibility have to be purchased, ie. earned and are not supplied through a societal system that inherently cares for its disabled
    • why wheelchairs have to be purchased
    • why any visual impairment short of blindness (ie. warrants eye glasses at all) isn't portrayed in society as a disability when it very much is; if someone can't walk without assistance, you would consider that disabled, if people can't see enough to drive or work on computers without assistance (for example), why is that not considered disabled the same way? why does anyone have to earn tools to try to function in life when it's extremely difficult to function without the tools in the first place?
  • why we have to pay to simply be allowed to live in a home at all and then also pay for the resources we use and wear and tear we cause on the living space. no one asked to be born, why has anyone ever had to earn a place to simply use the life they were given and exist in the history of mankind? if we pay for the resources we use and the wear and tear on the property, why should we have to pay anyone more to just physically exist?
  • why white people wiped out civilizations for spices for hundreds of years and don't even use them
  • why menstrual products have to be purchased at all, like what is expected of people who cant afford menstrual supplies? when did society collectively decide that its best if people simply walk around bleeding everywhere if they cant afford menstrual supplies because the infrastructure in place that one must earn the supplies to prevent them from doing so is fair and makes perfect sense to uphold?
  • why it costs money to birth a child
  • why it costs money to take an ambulance
aug 12 2023 ∞
aug 15 2023 +