• 82.4% stewie griffin, family guy
    • personality: sociopathic, manipulative and just plain evil. Stewie is out to murder his mother and take over the world. Even at age one, his diabolical nature could rival the world’s most ruthless dictators. One can only hope he’ll grow out of it.
    • interests: world domination. Stewie has decided to put his scientific mind to use for evil rather than for good. He decides early on that before he can take over the world, he must destroy the one person who stands in his way: his mother. “Damn you vile woman!” he shouts at Lois. “You’ve impeded my work since the day I escaped from your wretched womb!”
    • challenge: getting over his mommy issues. Stewie’s obsession with harming his mother is overwhelming: “There’s always been a lot of tension between Lois and me. And it’s not so much that I want to kill her, it’s just, I want her not to be alive anymore. I sometimes wonder if all women are this difficult.”
  • 79.7% glados, portal series
    • personality: murderous, amoral, and manipulative. GLaDOS is sadistically playful and a passive-aggressive liar. Despite having a morality core installed, GLaDOS doesn’t seem capable of understanding that her actions might be wrong, and is immune to appeals for pity or mercy. She possesses a morbid and sarcastic sense of humor as well as an unhealthy obsession with murder. As she relates to her test subject, “Killing you and giving good advice aren’t mutually exclusive.”
    • interests: testing, science, and cake. GLaDOS loves setting up puzzles and conducting experiments in the name of science. She also possesses a strange predilection for cake and often invites subjects to have cake and a party as a reward for testing.
    • challenge: test the last remaining test subject in the facility…and murder her. GLaDOS likes to toy with her subjects and will do anything in the name of science. But her test subject Chell wields the powerful portal gun that allows her to place portals on the walls of the facility and travel between them, and she might just prove to be GLaDOS’s downfall.
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jan 24 2022 +