- fall 2011
- color and design (3d) - a
- representational drawing - a
- contemporary mathematics - a
- college composition I - a
- music appreciation - a
- spring 2012
- color and design (2d) - a
- expressive drawing - a
- art history I - a
- college composition II - a
- characteristics of knowledge acquisition - a
- fall 2012
- intro to ceramics - a
- history of american education - a-
- theory and analysis of art education - a
- philosophy of the mind - a
- child development - a
- spring 2013
- teaching in learning communities I - a
- public speaking - a
- adolescent development - a
- educational technology - a
- digital media and techniques - a-
- fall 2013
- intermediate ceramics - a
- art history II - a
- readings in non-western literature - a
- teaching reading and writing in the content area - a
- general biology: human focus - a
- religions of the world - a-
- spring 2014
- human exceptionality - a
- advanced ceramics - a
- modern art - a
- history of american art - a
- teaching in learning communities II - a
- essentials of psych - a
- fall 2014
- teaching and learning a - a
- practicum a - a
- community art a - a
- music and the child - a
- painting I - a
- spring 2015
- teaching and learning b - a
- practicum b - a
- community art b - a
- art history III - a
- women artists - a
- senior project art - pass
- painting II - a
- fall 2015
- clinical practice - a
- linguistics - a
- seminar - a
- final cumulative gpa = 3.98/4.00
graduation! real world!
nov 22 2011 ∞
jan 18 2016 +