taken from adriana
- what date from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory? 31st december (yesterday)
- what was your biggest achievement of the year? basically just surviving the year without breaking down, idk
- did you suffer from illness or injury? thankfully no, only minor things
- what was the best thing you bought? jeff buckley related items, probably
- where did most of your money go? see above, clothes and food
- what did you get really, really, really excited about? school holidays, spending time with my favourite people, fun events and the like
- what songs will always remind you of 2013? you don't know how lucky you are, why write a letter that you'll never send, firestarter, born slippy, she changes the weather... i could go on forever
- compared to this time last year, are you...
- sadder or happier? i really don't know
- older or wiser? let's hope i am wiser
- richer or poorer? neither
- how did you spend christmas? eve with family at my auntie and uncle's house, day with friends having christmas dinner
- what were your favourite tv programmes? my so-called life, puberty blues.. not really sure what else
- do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? no, i don't hate anybody
- what was the best book you read? i didn't read much, but i liked jasper jones
- what was your greatest musical discovery? keaton henson maybe
- what did you want and get? sticking with my friends, time with family, good grades
- what did you want and not get? a B in maths, to be a nicer person, to exercise.. i think i'll stop there
- what was your favourite movie of this year? dogs in space
- how many people did you kiss during the year? no one, yay for me
- what did you do on your birthday? i was sick, i stayed at home
- what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? more concerts, falling in love, having more friends, feeling more confident about myself, making others' lives happier
- how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013? my fashion definitely got more diverse, i love fashion from so many different decades
- what kept you sane? music, movies, family
- which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? jeff of course
- who did you miss? a boy who i shouldn't, mitsi
- who was the best new person you met? not sure
- do you have any regrets about the year? yes
- tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013 hold your own hand
dec 31 2013 ∞
jan 1 2014 +