• July 31st, 2013: getting my clothes in the mail, Helena donating to me for 40 Hour Famine, "James walking through a pile of swag" in SOSE, our royal jokes in Maths, being allowed to listen to music in Science for once, Oreo chocolate, Channy jumping out of the cupboard in the bathroom and screaming at Savvy, not much homework, Orlando going "eee eee" randomly at the end of a hymn
  • August 1st, 2013: watching Please Marry My Boy and Formal Wars with Mum, finding loads more great music, Orlando's pedo face snapchats, feeling proud about my choice to help, not having my artwork put down for once, finding my "missing" badge, amazing shortbread for afternoon tea, finding a hot guy in The Searchers?!, having a good time with Kendra and Darnah in class
  • August 4th, 2013: seeing all my family, apple crumble & icecream for breakfast, getting more donations for 40 Hour Famine, the awesome announcement from my grandparents, having fun with my cousins, getting to eat that amazing custardy chocolate cake, new clothes/underwear/sunglasses/lipbalm (yesterday), getting creeped out when Dad texted from work "glad you're all home safely" even though none of us told him that we were home, listening to Vienna loudly in the car
  • August 5th, 2013: buying a Crunchie, hanging out with Darnah again, not having my artwork criticised as usual, Orlando going "oooooh, integers!" in a retarded voice before the test, not having to do any SOSE work because we had a guest speaker, Linda bringing cookies to form, not finding the investigation THAT hard, finding a decent house that we're going to look at, remembering to bring my perfume, D&M with Kendra
  • August 6th, 2013: having fun with Luci, Chloe and Nina on the bus, doing absolutely nothing in Indo, having a different (better) bus, our pumpkin pesto loaf turning out really well, form with Grace, Linda and Cara, not doing THAT badly in my investigation, discovering that a Tortina is really delicious, watching the Swim Deep livestream
  • August 7th, 2013: discovering that I'm not the only one who thought Marty (The Searchers) was beautiful, writing stupidly hilarious things on the class mind maps, laughing at Sav's selfies in the Art folder, finding an Explorus photo of Mr Cox looking like a hobo, getting to the bus in literally 1 minute, Nick coming over, listening to Halloween music (don't ask why), denying the temptation of chocolate, Mr Ehrlich calling me "E-low-is" for the 20th time
  • August 8th, 2013: fangirl moments with Gigi (hate the word fangirl, but whatever), getting an extension on my assignment, getting a frappĂ©, Jessie making me feel better, being asked to be in a group, "adventure" and assembly with Orlando, Coconut Rough pudding thing, Mitsi being cute, feeling ready for the SOSE test, swooning again with Orlando (for different reasons), good times in Health with Helena, good Health mark
jul 31 2013 ∞
aug 14 2013 +