WED - Antony and Cleopatra
- call the burns unit about research
- email burns unit
- make surg workshop notes
- summarise PBLs and path cases
THURS - King Lear / Othello
- transcribe notes into something legible
- pathology at the pathology department
- anatomy and embryology textbook reading and notes
- kumar and clark and amh back-to-back
- go see a movie
- go see a play to spoil myself
FRI - Merchant of Venice
- read harrisons because it's needed!
- laugh and smile to have some fun
- go through anatomy flashcards
- volunteer with palliative care and whatever else
- compile quotes
- dream some more because i like that
SAT/SUN - The Tempest / Henry VIII
- dance
- poetry and play readings into the night
- dare to dream little girl, dare to dream.
- Paint/Draw