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witch. eclectic polytheist. polyam. bi. demi. student. bullet journal. video games. music. quotes. plants. yarn. lost in a sea of stars. old soul. penpal. ☆

"ever tried? ever failed? no matter. try again. fail again. fail better." - samuel beckett.

elizabeth journal
petra media.
cassie music (march)
kc (characters)
rose monthly (march 2025)
  • 31. i’m grateful that so many towns had damages and loss today in the tornadoes, we were kept safe.
  • 30. playing wow with d.
  • 29. witching hour ritual was cathartic.
  • 28. was actually glad to be sent home early
  • 27. our showerhead is fixed!
  • 26. diablo 4 is super fun!
  • 25. lil' sick but thankful for family
  • 24. cookies, yo~
  • 23. the day of peace and chill. <3
  • 22. i’m glad my littles still enjoy doing activities with me.
  • 21. random shoppping trips with bae.
  • 20. ostara && the beginning of the real new year!
  • 19. cleaning and fixing up the house with d
  • 18. the beautiful sunrise i got to see this morning.
  • 17. the chance for growth in a certain relationship.
  • 16. the eldest taking an interest in learning languages.
  • 15. sometimes i like to just zone out and read/study.
  • 14. just taco bell today.
  • 13. fun d&d session && new stickers.
  • 12. cleaning out and purging old things to make space for new energy and things.
  • 11. i’m grateful for these cats. XD
  • 10. the circle of love around me.
  • 09. this cool weather.
  • 08. everyday is a new beginning to aspire to be my higher self.
  • 07. nights laying with my head on his lap chilling
  • 06. grateful for this full moon & that we can raise our vibes.
  • 05. the opportunities the universe has provided.
  • 04. this early morning start to the day.
  • 03. the 'me days' in the midst of everything else.
  • 02. that i'm losing weight.
  • 01. spring is coming <3
mar 2 2023 ∞
apr 1 2023 +