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  • My house is powered by geothermal forms of energy instead of your traditional fossil fuels which fuck up the atmosphere.
  • I buy Icelandic when possible, but living on an isolated volcanic rock in the middle of nowhere means this is not always feasible.
    • I'M SO ALONE /♡
  • When out collecting the messages, I bring a 'bag for life' and refuse to accept the crappy plastic ones which take thousands of years to decompose.
  • I never take the car. I'm more a cycling lass, though some hills in Reykjavík really get my fat wee legs sweating, lol. Alternatively, I use the bus or ferry.
  • I'm a vegetarian - lacto-ovo, to be precise. This reduces my carbon footprint and makes me healthier, both physically and mentally (think o'yer conscious, ye dirty carnivores).
    • *ahem* can't help but miss half a dozen wee chicken satays from Morrisons though *ahem*
  • Everything I see within a ten mile radius gets recycled, no questions asked. I have such a problem :/ The trouble is, I don't even exaggerate. People have referred to my eco-tendencies as chronically psychotic haha.
  • All my school jotters are filled to the brim with equations and words. Wasting paper (eg. not using both sides, grrr) ranks admirably within my list of top ten pet peeves.
  • I insulated all the attics in my neighbourhood.
    • 27 in total, lads #justsaying.
oct 2 2013 ∞
apr 17 2014 +