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Things I am getting rather irritated by as the Crimea crisis unfolds.

  • The hordes of left-wing obscurantists who are rallying out in favour of Putin's actions against the Crimea today, viewing it as some kind of glorious anti-western triumph.
    • imperialism's imperialism, whether it be American, Russian or Chinese. stop this.
  • Russian imperialism, full stop. It's becoming an increasingly damaging affair, particularly in the Middle East, where old Vladdy's clout is becoming just as harmful as America's; his support for Assad and the Egyptian junta is sickening.
  • The hypocrisy of liberals towards the USA at present. If Obama (as much as I dislike him) were to mobilise troops and fuel the jets to confront Putin, he'd be viewed as an imperialist warmonger, but is instead being laughed at for expressing 'grave concern' towards what is clearly a very difficult situation. Lay off him, guys. He's trying.
  • Individuals who support Britain (yes, Britain, the small, influentially diminished and critically indebted island in northern Europe) going to war with Russia. Never mind the thousands of deaths which would undoubtedly ensue. Never mind that Britain and Russia are both nuclear armed states. Never mind that Britain's economic condition would further deteriorate in the event of war - no, no. As long as an imperial spirit remains present and beating, we're fine!
    • haven't we fought enough countries anyway?
  • Those who are even considering a war with Russia. There are no winners in war. Sanctions are the answer, I tell ya!
feb 27 2014 ∞
apr 17 2014 +