Would you....

  • stand for your beliefs? depends on the belief. i think they can change.
  • go vegetarian? i have. i was vegetarian for three years, vegan for 10.
  • argue for a family member? at this point, i wouldn't do it, because they're unlikely to do it for me.
  • edit photos of myself online? i rarely post photos, but i wouldn't change them. either you like what you see or you don't.
  • put up with friends who hated something you supported? and this is what veganism is like. for real, i just don't talk about it with them.
  • befriend someone nice to you but an asshole to other people? this is everyone. i try to be kind to everyone, but i can be an asshole. as long as they are kind to people who haven't done anything to them. like, i couldn't stay friends with someone who's rude to a server or a store clerk.
  • dislike someone b/c your friends did? i wouldn't dislike them, but i'd keep my distance out of loyalty for a friend.
  • lie to someone because you don't want to them to put up with your problems? i've done some variation of this when i was in school, and currently at work.
  • starve yourself to fit into certain clothes? changed my eating habits, yet, but I wouldn't starve.
  • get surgery on any part of you? i'd like to be taller.
  • sleep naked? i used to when i lived alone, and i love it.


  • orange or black? black?
  • metalcore or post hardcore? neither
  • cell phone or computer? computer.
  • chocolate milk or coke? coke.
  • tumblr or friends? friends.
  • apple or pc? i've only used pcs.
  • old bands or new bands? old
  • pop punk or alternative rock? alternative rock
may 31 2020 ∞
jul 15 2020 +