• immediate suspicion at the beginning of a connection (are they talking to you out of pity, humor, angst, are they irritated because they wanted the hot girl and they had to settle for your attention?)
  • it's difficult to get any of your physical, relational, romantic needs met, so you might meet them on your own through maladaptive coping mechanisms (pornography)
  • kindness seems like it can be part of a manipulation
  • no one buys you drinks - or they'll say they will and then don't do it.
  • people make sexual advances/ flirt as a practical joke.
  • people may develop romantic feelings for you, but then reject because of how those feelings developed.
  • people project negative qualities onto you, and when you want to be alone they call you out for upsetting the social balance
  • social functions are tense
  • you always have to make the first move
  • you have a small wardrobe
oct 18 2021 ∞
nov 2 2021 +