• as a black women, i experience sexism and racism often, with no one who understands what i'm going through
  • if you live in a transient city, forget dating, unless you like long term fuck buddies (and i don't)
  • it really sucks - you'll lose or gain weight, develop an addiction, break up with family or a loved one for it.
  • it'll be hard to relate to others who aren't doing the work you're doing
  • it's expensive - even after getting a full ride i had to take out student loans to cover things like health insurance and keep my credit card bills paid.
  • it's going to be hard to find a job afterward
  • non white students may be white washed as hell
  • you'll have no free time for anything else
  • you'll hear a lot of assholish comments that just aren't ok
  • you'll still have to work a second job, and it'll be minimum wage with people who treat you like crap
  • your ambition is going to be questioned a lot
  • your classmates think they're sophisticated but they're really pretentious
oct 7 2017 ∞
oct 17 2017 +