• i feel different about myself when i'm more than 130 pounds
  • i gained a bunch of weight after a bad breakup of sorts. i felt like i'd lost the only man who would ever think i was beautiful, give up trying.
  • i hate tracking my calories, but it helps me realize how much i'm eating.
  • i really want to break that last ten pounds of weight to lose.
  • i tend to overfocus on exercise for weight loss, which isn't good for maintenence.
  • ideally, i'd like to be between 125-129 pounds
  • instead of tracking my calories, i prefer to focus on green leafy vegetables as the focal point of every meal.
  • my highest weight as an adult was 161
  • my highest weight was as a vegan, but my lowest weight was as a vegetarian.
  • my lowest weight as an adult was 117
  • my problem area is my midsection. it's the first place i gain weight.
  • processed junk food can put on weight, no matter if it's vegan or not.
oct 30 2020 ∞
dec 3 2020 +