• Currently on the pill and celibate
  • I'm choosing celibacy and an IUD
  • I'm pretty bummed out, and have been for a few days
  • I'm thankful that I have an alternative plan and for where I currently live
  • It's a major setback for the United States
  • It's messed up my five year plan, because the places I've considered relocating to have banned abortion
  • less people will have sex
  • Lower value males will have even less sex, because they can't afford it (to raise children or facilitate a pregnancy termination)
  • Men cheering this on aren't thinking logically
  • the price of sex will increase
  • There will also be an increase in the murder of black women, particularly due to the lack of sexual access and black women pregnant by men who don't want the children or to pay child support
  • There will be an increase in sexual assault of women
jun 28 2022 ∞
sep 8 2022 +