because i always forget what i'm saving for
𝔦. — horses
- bucky ✧ grey kentucky saddler
- first horse, got for free
- named after bucky barnes, the winter soldier
- chose him bcs of the song silver stallion
- cash ✧ buckskin mustang
- second horse, cost ~$500, bought with bounty hunting $
- named after johnny cash and his gold coat
- morgan ✧ mealy dapple breton
- third horse, cost ~$1100
- named after mckinley "muddy waters" morganfield, arthur morgan, and morgan earp (in that order)
(my goal is 5 horses for the achievement)
𝔦𝔦. — wishlist
- hunting wagon ($875)
- dark bay turkoman ($925) req. lvl 56
- new gunbelt (black leather and gold)
- webster gunbelt req. collector role
- sharp buckle ($215)
- varmint rifle
- new saddle
- camp improvements
- better tent
- dog ~$300, "holliday"
- drip for cripps $150
- bounty hunter camp theme $700
- stew pot $650 (it's literally a pot why does it cost so much)
- better revolver for my off hand holster
- change the gun metal on my revolver / shotgun
- moonshine upgrades
my friends: ashe, blonde and drip-obsessed, with a mustang named wardo (short for eduardo... i think anyway), san, pig-masked, bearded, a moonshiner who constantly starts brawls in the saloon, rides a massive white shire named big bessie.
potential horse names: monza, saint, dutch, duke, chet, orville, virgil (earp), josey (wales), django, graves, sonny, sinatra, etta, monet, moose (jaw), valencia.