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  • georgie porgie, // pudding and pie/. kissed the girls and made them cry; when the boys came out to play, georgie porgie ran away.
  • if all the world were paper, // and all the sea were ink, if all the trees were bread and cheese, what would we have to drink?
  • ladybird, ladybird, // fly away home. your house is on fire, your children are gone; all but one and her name is Ann, and she crept under the pudding-pan.
  • mary, mary, quite contrary, // how does your garden grow? with silver bells and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row.
  • please to remember // the fifth of november. gunpowder, treason and plot; I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
  • the queen of hearts, // she made some tarts all on a summer’s day; the knave of hearts, he stole those tarts, and took them clean away. the king of hearts called for the tarts and beat the knave full sore; the knave of hearts brought back the tarts, and vowed he’d steal no more.
  • ring around the rosy // a pocket full of posies. ashes! ashes! we all fall down.
  • sing a song of sixpence, // a pocket full of rye; four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie. when the pie was opened the birds began to sing; was not that a dainty dish to set before the king? the king was in his counting house counting out his money; the queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey. the maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes; when down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose.
  • there was a crooked man, // and he walked a crooked mile. he found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile. he had a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse, and they all lived together in a little crooked house.
  • where are you going to, my pretty maid? // “where are you going to, my pretty maid?” “I’m going a-milking, sir,” she said. “may I go with you, my pretty maid?” “you’re kindly welcome, sir,” she said. “Say, will you marry me, my pretty maid?” “Yes, if you please, kind sir,” she said. “what is your father, my pretty maid?” “my father’s a farmer, sir,” she said. “what is your fortune, my pretty maid?” “my face is my fortune, sir,” she said. “then I can’t marry you, my pretty maid.” “nobody asked you sir,” she said.
jan 14 2011 ∞
feb 13 2011 +