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unbelievable things that are totally legit.

  • I'm eighteen years old, and I have never had sex.
  • every boy I've ever had a 'first' with has proposed to me.
  • by age eleven, I had lost all the strength in those muscles used for smiling and thus had to teach myself how to use them all over again (it took an hour a day for two months before I could smile normally).
  • apparently I was a witch in my youth, since I could inexplicably make unnatural things happen.
  • at my first job there was a man suffering from schizophrenia. everyone knew he was crazy because the insane things he said to them like that there were assassins in the trees and that helicopters would airlift him out if things got heavy. everyone knew except for me. on the day he got arrested for having a bag of guns, knives, explosives, and several rounds of ammo on the premises, we talked for three hours all I thought was that he was a swell guy.
  • in my dreams, I've talked to the ghosts of people I didn't know anything about at least twice and passed on messages for them.
  • a ghost shoved me so violently that I woke up from a dead sleep, and to this day, I can't sleep without my back to a wall.
  • certain streetlights go on or off every time I pass them without fail.
  • while running up a down escalator, my friend fell on the same space (since it wasn't actually the same step) so many times that her knees started bleeding before the security guard came to tell us to leave.
  • inanimate objects have a tendency of turning on sometime by themselves when I'm around.
aug 13 2010 ∞
oct 25 2010 +